Beer Brewing

 The brewing process of beer continues to improve over its long history. But the oldest drink in the world has never lost its natural character. Today, beer is made up entirely of natural ingredients and is produced through natural processes. The basic formula of barley malt, hops, yeast and water has remained unchanged for centuries, but has changed slightly due to advances in production technology. As early as the 8th century AD, the combination of barley and water contained hops, so far. The problem of quality and durability has been solved. Through modern methods, the beer is given a perfect taste, color, flavor, shelf life and diversity.
  The two basic ingredients for beer are malt(malt and dried barley)and hops. The first step is to produce malt from barley, which is transported to the beer production facility and then the malt is crushed and mixed with water to form a slurry called mash. The malt is gradually heated to 75°C and then filtered to obtain the wort which is then sent to the boiler. Boiling is very important because at this stage, the wort contains hops. Fermentation begins after cooling, and the yeast reacts with the wort, which produces alcohol. After the fermentation is completed, theimmature beer is transferred to a cooling tank, matured for 18-21 days, and then filtered.


(1) The basic elements of beer-barley

Barley is the main agricultural raw material for beer, and today it is known as the wild barley variety, first discovered in Anatolia 10, 000 years ago. Therefore, Turkey is an important genetic center in Denmark. This plant plays an important role in Turkish agriculture and is widely cultivated in agricultural areas and dry farming conditions. However, its yield is still close to the world average. Efes is fully aware that good beer is made from good malt, and that good malt is produced using good barley. The highest quality malt barley and barley with low protein content are used in its products, which is a prerequisite for malt barley. There are two basic types of barley:summer barley and winter barley, and due to the climatic conditions in Turkey, barley is grown in winter. In summer, due to low rainfall, Turkey is a region where barley is difficult to grow. In the dry years, the malt yield of barley decreases, which results in a lower sugar content in the malt than in the wet year.


(2)  Hops

The discovery of hops is a turning point in the beer industry, and hops bring aroma and bitterness to beer. Hops are used in beer around the world and are irreplaceable. Hops are a perennial plant with an economic value of 15 to 20 years. The hometown of hops is called Slovakia, which was discovered by Bohemian farmers, and hops give beer a different degree of bitterness, flavor and taste. It all depends on the type of beer, making it an indispensable ingredient in brewing.